Commercial asbestos audit

All commercial premises that were built before 2004 must have a commercial asbestos audit performed to identify possible hazard areas. If asbestos is identified at the location, then an asbestos register and asbestos management plan must be prepared by a  Competent & Qualified Person. The use, export, and import of asbestos was not banned until 31 December, 2003

What Does the Commercial Asbestos Audit Entail?

The location, condition, and possible risk associated with asbestos containing materials (ACMs) are points that are presented in a commercial asbestos audit. Laboratory tests on bulk samples of air are performed if the asbestos assessor is unable to identify the presence of asbestos. This information is also included in the commercial asbestos audit. You must specify that the audit is being done for commercial and not residential property. If the asbestos assessor is unable to identify asbestos containing materials (ACMs) due to accessibility issues, details of the areas will be listed.


The frequency of a commercial asbestos audit will depend on the condition of the asbestos at the location and any possible changes that should be reflected in the asbestos register and asbestos management plan. These changes can include, but are not limited to, renovations, demolitions, and removal of ACMs. Occupied areas will require frequent checks to ensure that the concentration of asbestos airborne fibers is within the tolerated limits.


To ensure the highest standard of quality, the commercial asbestos audit will be performed in accordance with AS/NZS 9001:2000, a quality control standard, as well as international standards for environmental protection and health safety. The asbestos audit is a four-step procedure:

 Inspection Process

The asbestos survey will be undertaken by trained, experienced and qualified personnel. All areas of the site will be inspected in detail. Each floor will be separately assessed. Photographic illustration and a detailed description of suspected asbestos materials will be supplied.

 Analysis of Suspect Materials

Samples of all suspected asbestos-containing materials will be taken to prove the presence of asbestos. Samples will be analyzed in a NATA-accredited laboratory by polarizing light microscopy in conjunction with dispersion staining.

Result Interpretation

Qualified and experienced professionals, in accordance with the quality management system, will interpret the survey and sample results. This process will include hazard identification, recommendations to eliminate or reduce safety hazard, and a complete management service for asbestos removal, upon your request.

Asbestos Materials Report and Register (AMRR)

A complete Asbestos Materials Report and Register will be prepared containing detailed information on the building, the location of any asbestos-containing materials, condition assessments, health and safety ratings, detailed recommendations on actions and methods of containment and/or removal, and a Clearance Report certifying that the building is free of asbestos.

Asbestos Management Plan

If asbestos is identified on site, an Asbestos Management Plan can be developed by Quality Building Management to control the asbestos on site until such time as it is removed.
A person with management or control of a workplace must ensure a written asbestos management plan is prepared for the workplace if asbestos or ACM has been identified or assumed present, or is likely to be present from time to time at the workplace.
The asbestos management plan must be maintained to ensure the information is up-to-date.

Contact Quality Building Management today to have a commercial asbestos audit undertaken on your complex (click to open contact form)